Exemplary Engagement
Learners at Holy Trinity have the most appropriate resources and challenges which suit their needs, therefore, the learners are: attentive, curious, excellent listeners, ask intelligent questions, independently stay on task, they help others and can enthusiastically explain their learning.

Exemplary Enjoyment
Pupils at Holy Trinity enjoy being at school! Pupils are: absorbed, highly focussed, respond well to challenge, have high aspirations, learn from mistakes, show resilience, co-operate and support each other. Teachers enjoy teaching! They have excellent rapport with pupils, teach with clarity, spot anxiety, promote resilience and teach with enthusiasm and warmth.

Exemplary EMpathy
Our community recognises that learning is an emotional, spiritual, moral, social and cultural experience. In our school wellbeing is promoted through: valuing all contributions, building confidence, an open culture, teaching healthy and safe choices and having high expectations for behaviour for learning.

Exemplary Progress
We aim that every child makes excellent progress from their individual starting points through excellent teacher’s subject knowledge and skilful teaching. Pupils are: able to review, discuss, assess and improve their learning; can work independently or cooperatively; are highly motivated and want to learn. Progress is tracked carefully and regularly by all staff to ensure that support and challenge allow each individual child to seek to achieve their potential.