Values and Vision
Exemplary education for all through God’s amazing grace.
Values and Vision
Exemplary education for all through God’s amazing grace.
Learning together, as we journey with God in Love, we act with Integrity, treat others with Dignity and grow in Confidence.
“Loving because I am loved”
“We love each other because he loved us first” 1 John 4.19
We are committed to love, because that is what our God is like. Our Creator God who is Father, Son & Spirit is, and always has been, in one perfect loving relationship. Out of that loving relationship the Father sends his Son, Jesus, to the world to die for his enemies to demonstrate God’s undeserved love, his grace. As a result, we are committed to love. Jesus calls his followers to love God & our neighbour with all that we are (heart, mind, soul) and everything we have; these are not two separate commands, but one, bound together in our response to God’s love for us.
The sub-values are: Community, being Non-judgmental, Forgiveness, Compassion and Kindness.
“Always trying to do the right thing”
“People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” 1 Samuel 16.7
Integrity is trying to be good in what we think and feel, as well as what we do. Other people only see what we do, but God knows everything about us. He wants us to show our love in everything we do or think or say, even if it means standing up against the crowd.
The sub values are: Faithfulness, Generosity, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Self-Control and Responsibility.
“Made special by God”
“So God created human beings in his own image.” Genesis 1.27
Every person is of huge value, because they are made in the image of God, and because Jesus gave his life so that they can be saved. As a result of this, every person should be treated with dignity, respect and love, not because of what they have done, what they can do or what they might offer, but because they are made in the image of God.
The sub values are: Equality, The Whole Person, Every Person, Tolerance and Advocacy.
“Knowing I’m loved”
“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.” Jeremiah 17:7
The Bible teaches that God has made a way for us to know him through Jesus. Therefore we can have confidence that we are loved, not because of what we have done, or even who we are, but simply because God has shown us that we are valuable. This is humble confidence, which does not look to our abilities as the basis of our inner strength, but to relationships of love. We want every member of our community to have the confidence that comes from knowing that they are loved, first by God and then by others.
The sub values are: Wholeheartedness, Hopefulness, Joy, Humility and Resilience.
“Understanding and living in God’s creation”
“Everything was created through Jesus and for him” Colossians 1.16
Since God made everything, one of the greatest tasks we can do is to study what he has made in the universe, in human history and in human culture. Though we are small in comparison to the universe, we have the capacity to study it and begin to understand its deep mysteries. Therefore we are committed to growing in knowledge as a way to honour God and grow as individuals.
The sub values are: Curiosity, Wisdom, Teamwork, Hard Work and Failing Well.
Our full Values and Vision document is attached below. Within this you can also find full definitions for the sub-values mentioned within each value.
Values and Vision