As a school we take steps to raise awareness of bullying and how to prevent it. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell an adult and know that steps will be taken to stop the bullying continuing.
As a school we take steps to raise awareness of bullying and how to prevent it. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell an adult and know that steps will be taken to stop the bullying continuing.
All bullying concerns are investigated by a member of the Senior Leadership Team. The outcome of each case is fedback to the parents of both parties.
We take every allegation seriously and even though the outcome of the investigation may not be deemed as bullying, support is often put in place for children; this can either be for the perpetrator or the victim or both, depending on each individual case. If this happens parents are informed and the situation is reviewed on a set timescale.
All staff are informed of any bullying concerns and the children are monitored. In this way, any further incidents can be investigated immediately and the outcome of the original allegation may change.
Our Anti-Bullying Policy runs in conjunction with our Equality Policy. Any concern raised in relation to any Protected Characteristic is also acted upon.
We are continually striving to improve our practice in the way we deal with such allegations. If you are unhappy with our current practice, we would like to hear your views and thoughts. Please arrange with the school office, a time to meet with SLT. Likewise, if you have had a positive experience through you/your child raising a bullying concern, or would just like to contribute to help us move forward in our practice, then we would like to hear your views.