The daily act of Collective Worship is a legal requirement in all schools. In a Church of England School it should always be Christian worship and it should reflect the traditions of the Church of England, developing learners’ understanding of Anglican traditions and practice.
The daily act of Collective Worship is a legal requirement in all schools. In a Church of England School it should always be Christian worship and it should reflect the traditions of the Church of England, developing learners’ understanding of Anglican traditions and practice.
The daily act of Collective Worship is a legal requirement in all schools. In a Church of England School it should always be Christian worship and it should reflect the traditions of the Church of England, developing learners’ understanding of Anglican traditions and practice.
The meaning of our school vision, values and sub values are taught in assembly each year so that the children have a good understanding of their meaning and can reflect upon their application to life.
At Holy Trinity Junior School, assembly makes a major contribution to upholding the religious character and Christian distinctiveness of our church school. It is central to the life of the school. Assemblies are often lively and amusing, as well as calm and reflective.
We also regard assembly as an opportunity to celebrate all aspects of school life.
We regard it as a special time and expect children to behave in an appropriate way. We ask them to be thoughtful, to listen carefully, to join in the singing. All children’s views are welcomed in participation.
Christmas, Easter, Harvest or Remembrance and the Leavers’ Services are held at Holy Trinity Church in Wallington. Year 3 lead the Christmas service, Year 4 lead the Easter service, Year 5 lead the Harvest or Remembrance service, and Year 6 lead the Leavers’ service. Families are welcome to join us.
Sometimes out children have collective acts of worship in the school hall, or sometimes in their own classrooms, where they can discuss the content more informally
There are half termly themes, mapped out over a 4 year cycle.
Mondays – this is led by one of the churches that support our school: St Patrick’s Church
Tuesdays- whole school singing, or a class assembly or visitors such as Sutton Schools
Wednesdays- a wide variety of subjects linked to safety and wellbeing
Thursdays – an online assembly led by our two school mentors, Mr Gray or Mr Mensah
Fridays – this is led by staff from Holy Trinity Church.
When there is a class assembly families are invited to join us.