At Holy Trinity CofE Junior School, we believe that reading and writing underpin the entire curriculum. The skills we learn in English contribute to the progress and attainment of pupils in all subjects.
At Holy Trinity CofE Junior School, we believe that reading and writing underpin the entire curriculum. The skills we learn in English contribute to the progress and attainment of pupils in all subjects.
The skills of speaking and listening are also of paramount importance across the whole curriculum and there are opportunities for talking, sharing, explaining and performing in all aspects of our learning.
Online platforms are used to support and challenge children across the school in both reading and spelling.
In lower Key Stage 2, we introduce children to a wide range of helpful as well as challenging texts: stories, non-fiction, poetry and plays. Our focus in reading is on fluency, which is key to progress in comprehension. We also foster enjoyment, independence and enthusiasm in reading. With the support of our online platforms, we explore different authors and genres and help the pupils to learn a wider range of vocabulary. We teach pupils to justify their opinions of what they have read.
Progress and attainment in reading help us to improve the same in writing. Pupils are taught to increase the range of vocabulary, punctuation and grammar they use to write for different audiences and different purposes. We write in a variety of different genres including stories, poems and non-fiction.
In upper Key Stage 2, the skills we learn in English help us in all of our other subjects. In reading, we explore an ever-widening range of challenging texts: stories, non-fiction, poetry and plays. Through our online platforms and classwork, we encourage pupils to have enjoyment, independence, continued fluency and expression, enthusiasm and experimentation in their reading. We try different authors and genres and discover and define a wide range of adventurous vocabulary. We question and discuss what we have read, justifying our opinions using the text. We seek to broaden awareness of world-wide issues as well as link to other curriculum areas.
Pupils’ reading continues to aid them in improving their writing. Using a wide range of vocabulary, punctuation and grammar accurately, pupils are able to write in an engaging and effective way. The skills of writing are exercised accurately and consistently for different purposes and audiences across the whole curriculum.
Year 6 English curriculum overview
Year 5 English curriculum overview
Year 4 English curriculum overview
Year 3 English curriculum overview